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About elni Review

elni Review is publishing full articles as well as shorter pieces of about 1.000 words (ideas, opinions, recent developments etc). 

It is the peer reviewed journal of the Environmental Law Network International. Until 2019, it was distributed bi-annually. Starting in 2020, articles are published on a rolling basis. We aim for online publication within 4 weeks. Articles are available at the elni archive as free downloadable pdfs. elni members will be notified of new releases.

Aim & Scope

elni Review publishes articles on environmental law, focussing in particular on European and international environmental law as well as recent developments in the EU Member States.

Contact Information

If you wish to publish your manuscript in elni Review, please contact

If you wish to subscribe to elni Review, please fill out the membership form


Prof Dr Gerhard Roller

Founding member of elni. He is a Professor for environmental law at the University of Applied Sciences in Bingen, Germany since 1997 and Chercheur associé aux Facultés universitaires St Louis. He is member of the Executive Board of the Environmental Law Network International (elni) and at the advisory board of the Review of European Community & International Environmental Law, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford. He was working for different organisations of international development cooperation, in particular in North Africa and Eastern Europe.

Prof Dr Martin Führ

Founding member of elni. Professor of Public Law, Legal Theory and Comparative Law at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. He teaches in the Department of Social and Cultural Sciences as well as in the study programs Biotechnology, Chemistry and Energy Management, among others. Since 2015, he has headed the master's program "Risk Assessment and Sustainability Management" (RASUM). His teaching and research focus on constitutional, environmental, and technology law, including European and international economic administrative law, as well as economic analysis of law and regulatory impact assessment. Together with the economist Kilian Bizer, he has been the scientific director of the Society for Institutional Analysis – sofia since 1997. Find a selection of Martin Führ`s publications here.

Dr Julian Schenten

Senior researcher for the Society for Institutional Analysis – sofia at the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, specialising in EU environmental law with a focus on chemicals and products as well as their supply chains, environmental principles of law, international conventions and international trade rules (WTO). Additional research interests include transformational sciences. Find a selection of publications here.

Alina Anapyanova, LLB European Law (Maastricht), M.A. International Public Management (Science Po, Paris)

Junior Researcher for the Society for Institutional Analysis – sofia at the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences with a research focus in EU environmental law, Energy law and legal issues in context with the implementation of Circular Economy. Additionally, she has gained expertise in international private law as a former Willem C.VIS Moot Court competitor (honourable mention for the Respondent memorandum). During her studies, she conducted research for different international and European organizations such as the Konrad-Adenauer Foundation in Kenya, the Institute for European Studies (IES) in Brussels and the Maastricht Institute for European Private Law (MEPLI).

Additional roles

Simon Winkler-Portmann, B.Sc. Energy Management, M.Sc. Risk Assessment and Sustainability Management

Junior Researcher for the Society for Institutional Analysis – sofia at the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences with a research focus in EU chemical law as well as innovation policy in the context of sustainable development and has been part of several research projects in that field. For elni Review, he is responsible for web and database integration.


elni Review is published by the Environmental Law Network International (elni).

In many countries, lawyers are working on aspects of environmental law and sustainable development, often as part of environmental initiatives and organisations or as legislators. However, before the digital age they generally had limited contact with other lawyers abroad, in spite of the fact that such contact and communication is vital for the successful and effective implementation of environmental law. Therefore, a group of lawyers from various countries decided to initiate the Environmental Law Network International (elni) in 1990 to promote international communication and cooperation worldwide. Since then, elni has grown to a network of about 700 individuals and organisations from all over the world. It is a registered non-profit association under German Law (since 2005).

Three organisations currently share the organisational work of the elni network: HHI (Hermann-Hoepke-Institut)) at the University of Applied Sciences in Bingen, sofia (Society for Institutional Analysis) at the University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt and Öko-Institut (Institute for Applied Ecology). The Coordinating Bureau of elni is currently hosted by the University of Applied Sciences Bingen.

elni Review is completely financed by the elni members fee, there are no additional subscription fees for elni Review as a journal. Also, elni does not charge authors for publishing in elni Review. elni Review also does not receive any revenue from advertising or other institutional or organisational support.

Publication malpractice statement

elni Review is committed to pursuing the highest standards of probity and the elimination of malpractice in research presented within this journal. The ethics and malpractice statement is based on COPE’s Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing (

Review Process

  • Immediate review by the Editors within 2 weeks
  • Peer review by pertinent expert in the field within up to additional 6 weeks
  • Publication usually within 3 months

Duties of Authors

  • Submitted manuscripts must be the original work of the author(s)
  • Only unpublished manuscripts should be submitted.
  • Manuscript should not be submitted to more than one journal concurrently.
  • Any conflict of interest must be clearly stated.
  • Literary and data sources must be acknowledged.
  • Authors should consider the guideline for authors (last update in May 2022)

Duties of Reviewers

  • Any reviewer who feels unqualified to review the manuscript or knows that a prompt review will be impossible should decline the invitation to review.
  • All information pertaining to the manuscript must be kept confidential and must not be shown or discussed with others except if authorized by the editors.
  • Material from a submitted manuscript must not be used in a reviewer’s own research without expressed consent of the author
  • All manuscripts must be reviewed objectively and in fairness based on the intellectual content of the paper regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, citizenry or political values of author(s).
  • Observations should be formulated clearly with supporting arguments for improvements by the author(s).
  • Identify relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors and notify editors of similarity or overlap between the manuscript and any other work
  • Any information that may be the reason for the rejection of publication of a manuscript must be communicated to the Editor.
  • Any observed conflict of interest, .e.g from competitive, collaborative relationships or connections with any of the authors must be communicated to the Editor.

Duties of Editors

  • All manuscripts are evaluated in fairness based on the intellectual content of the paper regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, citizenry nor political values of authors.
  • Any observed conflict of interest pertaining manuscripts must be disclosed.
  • All information pertaining manuscripts are kept confidential.
  • The intellectual independence of authors should be respected.