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elni Forum 2008: "Enforcement of individual producer responsibility through (smart) Labelling of electric and electronic products?"

On June 15, 2008 the elni forum of 2008 took place in Brussels. The topic of the forum was located in the context of the ongoing revision of the WEEE Directive:
"Enforcement of individual producer responsibility through (smart) Labelling of electric and electronic products?" with an introduction by Gerhard Roller, University of Bingen (I.E.S.A.R)/ Martin Führ, University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt (sofia). "The state of revision of the WEEE-Directive" with an overview by Kurt van der Heerten, European Commission.
Gerhard Roller and Martin Führ presented results of a research project that has been carried out by three Universities of Applied Sciences (Darmstadt, Pforzheim and Bingen) funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research.
The WEEE Directive and its transposition into national law, establishes a system for the “take-back” of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). The EC thereby pursues ambitious objectives of waste and product policy. The directive is a key building block in the concept of an Integrated Product Policy (IPP). The research project “Efficient Logistics and Recycling through integrated Application of Smart labels for Electronic Waste” (ELVIES) examines the extent to which an identification and information system can contribute to the optimisation of waste disposal processes and a better fulfilment of the objectives of the WEEE Directive. The point of departure of the research project is the theory that the introduction of an identification and information system strengthens the individual producer responsibility and encourages the reuse and repair of waste electrical equipment. It is also a question of what information is needed from the stakeholders along the product chain in order to realise the standard requirements contained in the WEEE Directive. Whether and the extent to which the introduction of an identification and information system requires amendment of the WEEE Directive itself, will also be discussed. In the following file, the main research findings are summarised.

Download ELVIES Summary (pdf, 0.4 MB)
Download  ELVIES Results Presentation (pdf, 0.5 MB)
Kurt Van der Heerten (European Commission, DG Environment) presented an overview of the state of revision of the WEEE-Directive.
Download  EU Developments in the sector of Electrical and Electronic Equipment Presentation (pdf, 0.6 MB)