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Building a climate policy in Belgium: flexible mechanisms in a flexible state?

Jan de Mulder

elni Review 2005, Issue 1,  pp. 29-39.

On January 19th 2005 the Commission announced to take Belgium, Greece, Finland and Italy to the European Court of Justice for not fully transposing Directive 2003/87/EC on CO2-Emissions Trading (ET-directive) into national law. This should have been done by 31 December 2003. In the case of Belgium, the Commission was taking this action for the reason that in Belgium the Directive had been transposed only in the Brussels and Walloon Regions. At the moment of the Commission’s announcement the Flemish region was almost ready with its draft-legislation, but this was of course not sufficient to convince the Commission. This contribution gives an overview of the policy developments regarding the climate change issue, both at the federal level and at the regional levels in Belgium. The Flemish situation gets some particular attention.

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