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La protection de l’environnement tunisien au lendemain de la révolution

Nejiba Zaier

elni Review 2012, Issue 1,  pp. 30-34.

This article discusses environmental law in Tunisia with a special focus on the recent developments relating to the abolition of Tunisian dictatorship in January 2011. In addition to discussion of recent activities which followed the revolution, the author provides a brief overview of the sectoral laws on air, water, waste, as well as cultural goods and archaeological and historical heritage, and traditional arts, stating regulatory aims, legal sanction tools and shortcomings under the former regime. Since the dissolution of Tunisian dictatorship, a considerable number of lawsuits have been brought before the courts, in particular concerning restitution of private property. Alongside this, other activities have been undertaken to improve the environmental situation and remedy the damages brought about under the dictatorial regime. The reported means cover working groups seeking ways to sensitise the population by making relevant information available, as well as, more pointed projects involving eco-tourism, consolidation of evaluative and communicative instruments available in environmental governance, etc. In this context, the author specifically points out the role of international cooperation with the EU and actors belonging to the European area. The article also includes a brief reflection on the strengthening of citizens’ rights to a healthy environment while discussions are currently taking place to implement such a right in the constitution.

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