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Advancing the New European Bauhaus: Sustainable Mobility and Resilient Urban Spaces for a Better Quality of Life – the AdNEB project

André Conrad, Sarah E. DeTroy, Miriam Dross, Karl Eckert, Valentin Meilinger and Alice Schröder

elni Review 2022, pp. 26-29.

The European Commission’s New European Bauhaus initiative sets out to answer the question of where and how we should live in the future to achieve an ecologically sustainable, socially inclusive, as well as healthy and attractive development of urban areas. Today’s cities are confronted with the need to simultaneously adapt to climate change, design attractive urban blue-green infrastructures and implement the urban mobility transition. The in-house research project of the German Environment Agency ‘Advancing the New European Bauhaus: Sustainable Mobility and Resilient Urban Spaces for a Better Quality of Life – (AdNEB)’ aims to provide a conceptual, methodical and interdisciplinary contribution to the vision of the New European Bauhaus. AdNEB will address urgent challenges of the urban environment and propose and discuss integrated solutions.

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