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The network of European Environment and Sustainable Development Advi- sory Councils (EEAC)

Ingeborg Niestroy

elni Review 2005, Issue 1,  pp. 52-59.

Advisory councils for environmental policy and sustainable development are a special kind of body, established by national and regional governments with the explicit task of giving independent policy advice. A variety of institutional types of councils has evolved over time, some of which have common tasks and some of which are more distinct. The network of European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils (EEAC) is an own initiative for cooperation, whose objectives are to allow member states' councils to exchange experiences and to collaborate in giving policy advice at EU level where appropriate. EEAC has developed from a rather loose set of discussions into what is now an extensive network with some degree of institutionalisation. It gives selective, joint advice on EU policy development, which can be a distinctive source of influence upon environmental policy and sustainable development.

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  1. Niestroy, I. (2005): Sustaining Sustainability – a benchmark study on national strategies towards sustainable development and the impact of councils in nine EU member states. EEAC series, Background study No.2. Lemma, Utrecht.
  2. Macrory, R. and Niestroy, I. (2004): Emerging Transnational Policy Networks: The European Environmental Advisory Councils. In: Vig, N.J. and Faure, M.G. (2004): Green Giants? Environmental Policies of the United States and the European Union. MIT Press, Cambridge. p. 305–328, DOI:
  3. Framework for EEAC, 2002, 'Greening Sustainable Development Strategies'.
  4. Meuleman, L., Niestroy, I., Hey, C. (2003): Environmental Governance in Europe. RMNO Background Studies (V.02). Lemma, Utrecht.
  5. EEAC statement 'Towards a European Marine Strategy'.