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Market-based Mechanisms as Climate Policies: Insights for Brazil

Natascha Trennepohl

elni Review 2012, Issue 1,  pp. 8-12.

The use of market-based mechanisms as environmental policies to achieve greenhouse gas emissions reduction has been in place for some years and remains an attractive option in the international climate regime. 
This article intends to highlight basic elements of setting up an emission trading scheme and the corresponding framework in place in Brazil, considering that the country has signaled its intention to encourage the development of the Brazilian Emissions Reduction Market (MBRE). Hence, the structure of the article will be as follows: Initially, basic design elements of an emissions trading scheme are described. Following this, a general overview of the national policy on climate change in Brazil is presented, followed by references to the Brazilian Emissions Reduction Market (Mercado Brasileiro de Redução de Emissões - MBRE) and the recently established Standard for the Voluntary Carbon Market.

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