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The new strategy of the CEN Environmental Helpdesk

Nina Klemola

elni Review 2006, pp. 42-46.

In 1999, the CEN Environmental Helpdesk (hereinafter referred to as ‘EHD’) was set up by the CEN Technical Board. This Helpdesk started its activities in September 1999, with the aim of supporting the various CEN TCs in their task of incorporating environmental aspects when drafting product standards, and raising awareness amongst the TCs. It was intended that the EHD would screen draft standards with respect to their environmental implications and then provide comments to the TC or Working Group preparing the draft standard. On the other hand, the TCs would be able to contact the EHD for environmental advice and expertise, as needed.

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  1. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council “Single Market and Environment”, 08.06.1999, COM (99) 263 final.
  2. Decision No 2179/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 September 1998 on the review of the European Community Programme of policy and action in relation to the environment and sustainable development '’Towards sustainability", Art. 3.2(d), OJ 1998 L 275/1.
  3. CEN Technical Board Resolution BT 71/1998 endorsed by CEN Administrative Board Resolutions CA 26/1998 and CA 4/1999.
  4. Green Paper on Integrated Product Policy (presented by the Commission), 07.02.2001, COM (2001) 68 final.
  5. ANEC/EEB Position Paper on CEN Environmental Helpdesk (EHD), 01.09.2002.
  6. Integration of Environmental Aspects into Standardisation, ANEC response to the Commission Survey, 24.09.2002.
  7. Joint ANEC/ECOS position paper on CEN EHD – New Strategy, 8 May 2006.