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elni Conference 2013

"EU Environmental Impact Assessment Directive - challenges and perspectives in the light of the past experiences and the recent proposal for amendment"

Date and place
23-24 May 2013, Wrocław University, Law Faculty Building (Poland)



  • Environmental Law Network International (ELNI)
  • General Directorate for Environmental Protection
  • Jendrośka Jerzmański Bar & Partners. Environmental Lawyers, Wrocław
  • Environmental Law Center, Wrocław
  • German-Polish Centre for Public Law and Environmental Network (GPPLEN)
  • Wrocław University
  • Opole University


Supporting organisation

  • Flemish environmental law association (VVOR)


Scientific Committee

  • Jerzy Jendrośka, PhD, Director, Environmental Law Center, Wrocław and Adjunct-Professor of European law, Opole University
  • Konrad Nowacki, PhD, Professor of environmental law, Wroclaw University and GPPLEN
  • Gerhard Roller, PhD, Professor of environmental law, Bingen University and ELNI


Target audience

The conference is aimed at practitioners and academics dealing with EIA.


Aim of the conference

The aim of the conference is to examine the proposed changes of the EIA Directive in the light of the hitherto practical experience (Member States experience, jurisprudence of EU courts and international bodies) and views expressed in the literature. The purpose is to identify the possible challenges with a view to influence the further legislative process.


Draft Agenda

The conference starts on 23 May 2013, 9.00 a.m. and closes on 24 May about 18.00


Day 1 - 23 May 2013

I. Introductory session

  1. EC proposal for EIA Directive amendment (Marianne Wenning, European Commission, Director in Directorate A, DG ENV)
  2. EIA Directive amendment – Member States’ views (Irish Presidency)
  3. EIA Directive amendment – European Parliament’s views (to be confirmed)
  4. Discussion / questions

Session II. EIA in environmental policy

  1. Environmental assessment in Europe–genesis, historical developments and  trends  (Jerzy Jendrośka, Opole University and Environmental Law Center, Wrocław)
  2. EIA as a tool for sustainability (Francesco la Camera, Environment Ministry, Italy)
  3. Place of EIA in development control (Piotr Otawski, General Directorate for Environmental Protection, Poland)
  4. Discussion / questions

Session III. Scope of assessment

  1. Concept of “project” (Magdalena Bar, Jendrośka Jerzmański Bar & Partners. Environmental Lawyers)
  2. Screening procedure - criteria for screening, justification (Hendrik Schoukens, Ghent University)
  3. EIA and compliance with environmental quality standards (Eckard Rehbinder, professor emeritus, Frankfurt University)
  4. Alternatives (Gerd Winter, Bremen University)
  5. Discussion / questions

Session IV. EIA and other forms of assessment

  1. EIA and SEA (Pavel Cerny, Ekologicky Pravni Servis, Brno)
  2. EIA and habitat assessment (Nicolas de Sadeleer, FUSL-Brussels, Academy of Louvain)
  3. EIA and the assessment under Water Framework Directive (Marcin Pchałek, Ochrona środowiska i działalność inwestycyjna - Konsulting)
  4. Discussion / questions


Day 2 - 24 May 2013

Session V. EIA:  citizen’s rights and transboundary procedure

  1. Public participation (Justice and Environment representative)
  2. Access to justice (Jan Darpo, Uppsala University)
  3. Transboundary procedure  (Ludwig Kraemer, College of Brugge)
  4. Discussion / questions

Session VI. Judicial review, quality control and monitoring

  1. Effectiveness of EIA in the light of practical experience (Martin Führ, University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt; ELNI)
  2. Mythology, Deception, and Secrecy - How to Reform Some Unacceptable EIA Practices in in Europe and Beyond (John Bonine, Oregon University)
  3. Effectiveness of EIA as a mechanism for integrating views of the public into decision-making process (Kazimierz Równy, professor emeritus, Polish Academy of Science)
  4. Discussion / questions

Session VII. National experience with EIA

  1. EIA in USA (Jan Hasselman, Earthjustice's Northwest office and Ljubliana University, Slovenia)
  2. EIA and waste management in Poland (Marek Górski, Lodz University, Szczecin University)
  3. EIA Directive as a model for EIA in Eastern Europe (Andriy Andrusevych,  Resource & Analysis Center “Society and Environment”, Lviv)
  4. EIA in Italy (Stefano Nespor, Studio legale Nespor; Italian Review of Environmental Law, Milan)
  5. Discussion / questions


End of the conference

Fees and registration

  • Registration final deadline: 30 April 2013
  • Members of organizing or supporting institutions; NGOs representatives, PhD students:
    Early bird registration (until 15 February 2013): 80 EUR + 25 EUR dinner on 23 May
    Registration after 15 February 2013: 100 EUR + 25 EUR dinner on 23 May
  • Other participants:
    Early bird registration (until 15 February 2013): 100 EUR + 25 EUR dinner on 23 May
    Registration after 15 February 2013: 120 EUR + 25 EUR dinner on 23 May



  • Registration form and address (word-document)
  • Conference Brochure (general information, draft agenda, fees and registration) (pdf-document)


Please note that the conference is organized as a “green event” which means that we will undertake all steps to minimize and possibly offset the carbon footprint it created. The participants will be informed about the “green event” project and the activities we undertake in this regard.