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Julien Bétaille: A human’s Liberty to Protect Wild Animals: Challenging Nature Rights Dogmas and Renewing of European Environmental Legal Culture
Nicolas de Sadeleer: Belgian public authorities held liable for flawed climate policy: Klimaatzaak case
Marga Robesin: A Water Scarcity Treaty for the Future
Niels Hoek: The Framework of REDD+ through the lens of CBD Natural Ecosystem Values
Lara Schmitt: The Private Sector’s Environmental Information Duty According to the Aarhus Convention
Serhiy Vykhryst: Implementation of water sector acquis in Ukraine
Nataliya Andrusevych: Approximation of environmental legislation: on the way to EU membership
Julien Bétaille: Climate litigation in France, a reflection of trends in environmental litigation
Delphine Misonne: Exploring CETA's Relation to Environment Law
Laurens Ankersmit: Belgium Requests an Opinion on Investment Court System in CETA
Wybe Th. Douma: Sustainability and Precautionary Aspects of CETA Dissected
Ludwig Krämer: The Volkswagen Scandal - Air Pollution and Administrative Inertia
Bondine Kloostra: Report of Case C-673/13 Commission v. Greenpeace and PAN Europe
Elhoucine Chougrani: Environmental Law in Morocco: Opportunities and Challenges
Lynn Gummow: Conference report: 5th Lucerne Law and Economics Conference
Alexandra Aragao: Environmental modernization and administrative simplification in Portugal
Eckard Rehbinder: The Non-Regression Principle under EU and German Water Law "on the Ground"
Franz Fiala and Michela Vuerich (ANEC): Statement on the Circular Economy concept
Miriam Dross: Environment and free trade: Environmentally sound design of TTIP
Serguiz Urban and Jerzy Jendrośka: Environmental elni EIA Conference in Wroclaw
Eckard Rehbinder: Environmental Impact Assesment and Environmental Quality Standards
Gjis Hoevenaars: Assessing the assessment - Quality review of EIAs/SEAs: a Dutch perspective
Ludwig Krämer: The EU, access to environmental information and the open society
Daria Ratsiborinskaya: European investment projects in the third countries: LEGALLY GREEN?
Natascha Trennepohl: Market-based Mechanisms as Climate Policies: Insights for Brazil
Curt Trennepohl: The Brazilian Forest Code: An Overview of Law 4.771/65 and Bill 33/11
Nejoba Zaier: La Protection de l'Environnement Tunisien en Lendemain de la Révolution
Marga Robesin: From IPPC to IED: Health and environment in Europe need a stronger Directive
Jan De Mulder: Belgian environmental impact assessment systems: Legal frameworks and beyond
Luc Lavrysen: Application of European Environmental Law by National Courts
Franz Fiala, Ralf Lottes, Jason Morrison and Nina Klemola: Stakeholder representation in international environmental standardisation - Joint Communiqué by ANEC, ECOS, and the Pacific Institute
James K. Boyce and Michael Ash: The Toxic 100: Ranking Corporate Air Polluters in the United States
Ralph Hallo: The Aarhus Convention in operation: EEB Survey Initial Results
Luc Lavrysen: Presentation of Aarhus-related cases of the Belgian Constitutional Court
Carlos da Silva Campos: Waste, Product and By-product in EU Waste Law
Pavel Černý: elni Members and Networks: J&E - More than just an NGO
Susan Owens: A balanced appraisal? Impact Assessment of European Commission proposals
Ekkehard Hofmann: The New European Regulatory Impact Assessment - In Theory and Practice
Florence Coroner: Member States missing the opportunity to implement ‘polluter pays’ principle
Uwe Lahl: REACH — Assessment of the political agreement
Gerhard Roller: Amended Comitology Decision strengthens Position of European Parliament
Dirk Bunke: REACH and the safe use of chemicals: definition and development of exposure scenarios
The Second Reading of REACH: key priorities of Environmental, Health, Consumer and Women’s NGOs
Roy Watkinson and Susan Wingfield: The UK Government’s Ship Recycling Strategy
Nina Klemola: The new strategy of the CEN Environmental Helpdesk
Kathrin Graulich: EcoTopTen – innovations for sustainable consumption
Jill Michielssen: The power of green public procurement
Jill Michielssen: Buying Green – a European Commission handbook
Gill Aitken: NEEL: the Network of EU Environment Lawyers
Helle Tegner Anker: The Nordic Environmental Law Network (NELN)
Nicolas de Sadeleer: Networking in the Nordic Countries
Gerd Winter: The Avosetta Group
Mar Campins Eritja: Towards an integrated approach for sustainability labelling and certification
Jutta Brunnée: Enforcement Mechanisms in International Law and International Environmental Law
Thomas Kiel: The Future of EMAS-10 years European Environmental Management and Audit Scheme
Delphine Missonne: Directive on Ecodesign, the way forward regarding IPP?
Jan De Mulder: Building a climate policy in Belgium: flexible mechanisms in a flexible state