Public Interest Litigation in Environmental Matters: A German Perspective
Dora Schaffrin and Michael Mehling
elni Review 2007, Issue 2, pp. 13-19.
Environmental protection has invariably become one of the central challenges facing modern societies and, by extension, their respective states. Constitutionally endowed with judicial powers, states also have a mandate to guarantee the rights and duties arising from legislation on the environment, including, if necessary, their enforcement. In the process, public interest litigation in environmental matters has acquired growing importance as one important means of achieving this objective.
By describing the legal framework for public interest litigation, this article seeks to shed light on an important channel of environmental protection in Germany, whose role in countering environmental pollution and other forms of damage to public goods prior to serious and irreversible deterioration has been consistently on the rise. Against this background, the aim of the article is to provide an introduction to German experiences with public interest litigation in environmental matters, both with a view to its success to date and also to more critical aspects.
- M. Kloepfer, Umweltrecht (3rd ed., 2004).
- H. Sendler, Zum Instanzenzug in der Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit, 97 DVBl. 157 (1982).
- German Basic Law (Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, or GG), 23 May 1949, Federal Gazette (BGBl.).
- Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 2003 on access to justice in environmental matters, COM(2003) 624.
- Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters, 38 I.L.M. 515 (1999).
- Nature Protection Act (Bundesnaturschutzgesetz, or BNatSchG) of 25 March 2002, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl.) Part I, 1193 (2002).
- Code of Administrative Judicial Procedure (Verwaltungsgerichtsordnung, or VwGO) of 21 January 1960, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl.) Part I, 17 (1960).
- Upper Administrative Court Berlin, OVG 2 SN 30.98.
- Upper Administrative Court Frankfurt/Oder, 3 A 37/96.
- Administrative Process Act (Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz, or VwVfG) of 25 May 1976, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl.) Part I, 1253 (1976).
- Act on Peaceful Utilisation of Nuclear Energy and the Protection against its Risks (Gesetz über die friedliche Verwendung der Kernenergie und den Schutz gegen ihre Gefahren, or AtG) of 23 December 1959, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl.) (1959).
- General Railway Act (Allgemeines Eisenbahngesetz, or AEG) of 27 December 1993, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl.) Part I, 2378 (1993).
- Federal Water Straits Act (Bundeswasserstraßengesetz, or WaStrG) of 2 April 1968, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl.) Part I, 173 (1968).
- Closed Cycle and Waste Management Act (Gesetz zur Förderung der Kreislaufwirtschaft und Sicherung der umweltverträglichen Beseitigung von Abfällen, or KrW/AbfG) of 27 September 1994, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl.) Part I, 2705 (1994).
- Water Resources Management Act (Gesetz zur Ordnung des Wasserhaushalts, or WHG) of 19 August 2002, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl.) Part I, 3245 (2002).
- Federal Highways Act (Bundesfernstraßengesetz, or BFernStrG) of 20 February 2003, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl.) Part I, 286 (2003).
- Directive 92/43/EEC of the Council of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, OJ L 206/7, 22.7.1992.
- Federal Administrative Court, Case 4 A 28.01, 17 May 2002, 116 Federal Administrative Court Reports (BVerwGE) 254 (2002).
- Federal Administrative Court, Case 4 A 9.97 of 19 May 1998, 107 Federal Administrative Court Reports (BVerwGE) 1 (1998)
- Administrative Court Kassel, Decision of 23 October 2002, 2 Q 1668/02.
- Federal Administrative Court, Case 4 A 9.97 of 19 May 1998, 107 Federal Administrative Court Reports (BVerwGE) 1 (1998).
- Administrative Court of Oldenburg, Decision of 26 October 1999, 1 B 3391/99.
- Code of Administrative Judicial Procedure and corresponding provisions of the federate states.
- Federal Administrative Court, 101 DVBl. 415 (1986)
- OVG Hamburg, 1 NVwZ 687 (1982) (judgements rendered on the basis of provisions of a Land).
- Federal Records of Parliament (BT-Drs.) 14/6378, at 62.
- Gesetz über ergänzende Vorschriften zu Rechtsbehelfen in Umweltangelegenheiten nach der EG-Richtlinie 2003/35/EG (Umwelt-Rechtsbehelfsgesetz, or URbG), Federal Law Gazette (BGBl.) Part I, 2816 (2006).
- Council Directive 85/337/EEC of 27 June 1985 on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment, ABl. L 175.
- Directive 2008/1/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 January 2008 concerning integrated pollution prevention and control (Codified version) (Text with EEA relevance), ABl. L 24.
- Rat von Sachverständigen für Umweltfragen (SRU), Umweltgutachten 2002: Für eine neue Vorreiterrolle, Federal Records of Parliament (BTDrs.) 14/8792 of 15 April 2002, Annot. 155.
- L. Krämer, The Citizen in the Environment: Access to Justice, 7 Resource Management Journal 1 (1999) at 11.