Recent studies
This category contains recent studies by elni members which provide significant information towards environmental law issues.
- IED - Directive on Industrial Emissions
The setting of ambitious standards in the field of industrial emissions was issued by Marga Robesin in her elni Review article "From IPPC to IED: Health and environment in Europe need a stronger Directive" (elni Review 2/2008, p. 54 et seq.).
Stichting Natuur en Milieu (The Netherlands Society for Nature and Environment, published the related study "Environmental Effects of the Proposal for the Directive on Industrial Emissions (IED): An evaluation from the perspective of Dutch experience with IPPC" by mr. M.A. Robesin, drs. H. Jager and ir. J. Franssen in January 2009.
To get more information about the study please contact Stichting Natuur en Milieu (Postbus 1578, 3500 BN Utrecht NL or