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Access to justice in environmental matters in Italy – an incentive for new specialists

Eva Maschietto

elni Review 2017, Issue 2, pp. 49-53.

This article casts some light on the Italian access to justice perspective that appears to be peculiar for its historical and political context. Without any purport of completeness, the article aims at sketching some of the instruments that the Italian legal system has rendered available to individuals, environmental organisations and public agencies representing citizens and residents. These instruments address some of the most important aspects of environmental matters, disputes and effective barriers which are still present in the system, along with some potential solutions for the way forward.

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  1. Nicola De Dominicis “L'accesso alla giustizia in materia ambientale – Profili di diritto europeo”, Milan, 2016.
  2. G. Butti and L. Butti, Il diritto di accesso alle informazioni ambientali disponibili presso la pubblica Amministrazione in Rivista Giuridica dell’Ambiente, 1991, p. 462.
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  6. Application of law no. 241 of 7 August 1990, as subsequently amended, and of the Aarhus Convention, ratified by the Italian Republic with law 16 March 2001, no. 108, and pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 195 of 19 August 2005.
  7. A Tanzi E. Fasoli, La Convenzione di Aarhus e l’accesso alla giustizia in materia ambientale, Padova 2011 and Francesco Francioni, Accesso alla giustizia dell’individuo nel diritto internazionale e dell’Unione Europea, Milan, 2008, page 399 onwards.
  8. Transposing Directive 2003/4/EC into Italian law, Legislative Decree No 195 of 19 August 2005, which gives citizens greater access to environmental information than does Law No 241/90 on transparency with regard to administrative documents.
  9. Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 24 novembre 1971, n. 1199 Semplificazione dei procedimenti in materia di ricorsi amministrativi (G.U. n. 13 del 17 gennaio 1972, n. 13).
  10. J. Ebbesson, Access to Justice in Environmental matters in the EU (Access à la Justice en Matiere D’Environment Dans l’UE), Kluwer Law International, 2002 p.313.
  11. S.I. No. 349/1989 - European Communities (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations, 1989.
  12. Jan Darpö, in J. Ebbesson, P Okowa Environmental Law and Justice in Context, Cambridge University press, 2009. DOI:
  13. HG Bugge, The polluter pays principle: Dilemmas in national justice in national and international context, p. 411- 428. DOI:
  14. Decreto Del Presidente Della Repubblica 30 maggio 2002, n. 115, Testo unico delle disposizioni legislative e regolamentari in materia di spese di giustizia. (Testo A).