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elni Forum 2009: "The Directive on Industrial Emissions and its implementation in national law - key issues and practical experiences"

The event offered the opportunity to discuss implementation issues of the upcoming European Directive on Industrial Emissions (IED - former IPPC Directive)

with an introduction by

Marga Robesin, Lawyer at Stichting Natuur en Milieu, The Netherlands Society for Nature and Environment in Utrecht,
Keir McAndrew, European Commission, DG Environment, Unit ENV.C.4 - Industrial Emissions & Protection of the ozone layer, and
Lesley James, Expert at Friends of the Earth (England, Wales, and N. Ireland).

Marga Robesin presented an overview on the key issues of the new Directive on Industrial Emissions, Keir McAndrew provided the point of view of the European Commission, and Lesley Jamespresented practical experiences with the IPPC directive.


Further information

The forum took place from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday the 14th May 2009. The venue was the Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis (FUSL), Boulevard du Jardin botanique 43 (Metro Botanique/Rogier), 1000 Brussels, Salle du Conseil, 4th Floor.


elni Review 2/2009: Report of the elni forum 2009, The EU Directive on Industrial Emissions and its implementation in national law - key issues and practical experiences by Nicola Below (PDF, 590KB)