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News Archive

Date: 4th of December 2008

  • elni Review issue 1/2009: Extended submission deadline
    Due to the rather short time period given for submitting articles and proposals to us for the next issue of elni Review (1/2009), we are extending the submission deadline to 15th February 2009.
  • Online promotion of leading elni Review articles: Marga Robesin, “From IPPC to IED”
    In order to better promote the original research published in elni Review, all leading articles can now be downloaded from our homepage shortly after the release of the actual issue of the elni Review.
    For the current elni Review issue 2/2008 we would like to draw your attention to the following downloadable article:
    Marga Robesin, “From IPPC to IED: Health and environment in Europe need a stronger Directive”. The article can be downloaded for free.
    We also would like to inform you of the latest news concerning the IED:
    The vote in the ENVI committee concerning IED has been delayed and is now scheduled for 21st January 2009. For more information click here.
  • elni Review issue 1/2007 and 2/2007 now available online
    The issues 1/2007 and 2/2007 are now available online and can be downloaded free of charge.


Date: 13th of November 2008

  • elni subscription in the information age
    Due to the updating of the elni Review service in accordance with new trends in the information age, we will be making the electronic version of elni Review the standard one.
    In the future, the journal will be sent to you by email in PDF format.
    If you still want to additionally receive the print version, please let us know by sending a short note to the following email address:
    This improved service (of providing the journal in two different formats) is included in the general subscription fee.
  • elni Review issue 2/2008
    The main topics of this issue are the Directives on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Here is a brief summary of the contents awaiting you:
    Articles with focus on IPPC/IED and EIA
    In “From IPPC to IED” Marga Robesin addresses the current development of the IPPC and six other directives which, it has been proposed, should be integrated in a new directive (IED).
    “Belgian environmental impact assessment systems” by Jan De Mulder traces the development of environmental impact assessment in Belgium on the federal and regional level by focusing on the SEA Directive.
    “Evaluation of the Federal German Act on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA Act)” by Kilian Bizer, Jaqui Dopfer and Martin Führ summarises the key findings of a research project concerning the analytical, process-related and institutional German settings of EIA.
    Articles with focus on other topics
    “Application of European Environmental Law by National Courts” by Luc Lavrysen examines the role of national courts in applying European environmental law in his article, providing the reader with in-depth insights from a practitioner in Belgium.
    “Enforcement of European environmental law” by Sebastian Tusch addresses the problem of inconsistency in the application of European environmental law.
    New developments in “Public participation in joint bodies for transboundary water cooperation” in Moldova and Ukraine are scrutinised by Iulia Trombitcaia in her contribution.
    Franz Fiala provides a summary of a Joint Communiqué by ANEC, ECOS and the Pacific Institute in his article, “Stakeholder representation in international environmental standardisation”.
    James K. Boyce and Michael Ash give an overview of the “Ranking corporate air polluters in the United States” in their short contribution.
    Conference reports
    Marc Pallemaerts summarises the presentations and discussions at the “Aarhus at 10” conference held at the University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) on the 25th June 2008. At this event the participants had the possibility of reflecting on the interaction of the Convention with EU environmental law. Please feel free to download this report.
    Nicola Below reports on the “International Workshop on Regulatory Impact Assessment” – a workshop focusing on environment-related aspects of regulatory impact assessment, which took place in Berlin (Germany) on 15th - 17th of September 2008. This report can be downloaded here.
    Book Review
    Eugene A. Wystorobets presents and reviews the new book “International Environmental Law: Fairness, Effectiveness, and World Order” by Elli Louka.
  • Call for papers
    If you are interested in publishing an article in the upcoming issue of the elni Review 1/2009, we would kindly ask you to send us proposals and articles on the main topics of the next issue: the enforcement of EU environmental law as well as environmental criminal law. Articles, reports on conferences and book reviews on other topics are also welcome.
    Please bear in mind that the editorial deadline is the 15th December 2008; so please get in touch as soon as possible.


Date: 3rd of July 2008

  • elni forum 2008: The ongoing revision of the WEEE Directive
    The presentations and a short abstract in English concerning the latest forum of elni members to the subject “Enforcement of individual producer responsibility through Labelling of electronic waste?” are now available online: click here.
  • Call for Papers
    If you are interested to publish an article in the upcoming issue of the elni Review 2/2008, we would kindly ask you to send us your proposals matching our main topics the EC directives IPPC and EIA. Other topics are also welcome.
    Please bear in mind that the editorial deadline is before the 15th of September 2008; so please contact us as soon as possible.
  • Recent Job advertisement
    Finally we would like to draw your attention on the following job advertisement:
    The Pew Environment Group (PEG) is looking to recruit a Policy Coordinator, European Marine Programme, to be responsible for the policy analysis and the development and dissemination of its marine conservation program.
    Please adhere to the closing date at the 14th of July 2008.
    For more information about the job and contact information please visit the following URL.


Autumn 2007

  • Workshop on Evaluating the Environmental Effectiveness of REACh (REACh:EEE)
  • New publication
    liber amicorum Betty Gebers, more...