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The role of legislation and courts in the protection of the environment in the European Union and its impact on the European integration of Albania

Erjon Muharremaj

elni Review 2018, Issue 1, pp. 11-16.

This paper analyses the main role of legislation and courts in the protection of the environment in the EU and its impact on the course of the European integration of Albania, a candidate country for EU membership. It begins with a brief analysis of the relationship between EU law and domestic law of Member States. It continues with the analysis of the relationship between international law and domestic law in Albania, and sets out the role of the courts in the protection of environment in the EU. Further, the scope of the analysis includes the challenges, the status, and the role of courts in the process of the approximation with the environmental acquis in Albania. Lastly, it is argued that the protection of the environment is multi-faceted and requires an integrated approach. Although Albania has generally harmonised its environmental legislation with the acquis communautaire, it must make serious efforts towards its proper implementation in practice.

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