elni Forum 2005: “The implementation of risk reduction measures: Inter-face problems between REACh and sector specific environmental legislation (IPPC/WFD)”
On June 30, 2005 the first elni forum of 2005 took place in Brussels. The forum was once again hosted by the Centre d'étude du droit de l'environnement at the Faculté de droit des Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis and the topic of the forum was REACh, or more specifically:
The implementation of risk reduction measures: Interface problems between REACh and sector specific environmental legislation (IPPC/WFD).
The introduction, based on a study carried out on behalf of the German Federal Environmental Agency, was given by Martin Führ and Stefanie Merenyi, both of sofia, Darmstadt.
A lively and constructive debate on the argumentation and the conclusions followed the presentation.
The study "Interface problems between REACh and sector-specific environmental legislation (IPPC/WFD)" was carried out on behalf of the German Federal Environmental Agency.
Download the English version: UBA - Text 04/2005 (pdf, 1,5 MB)
Download the German Version: UBA - Text 03/2005 (pdf, 1,5 MB)