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Evaluation of SEA practice in Germany - based on 143 case studies

Martin Führ, Claudia Schreider, Lukas Meub, Marie Hanusch, Stefan Balla, Janine Sybertz, Esther Johannwerner, Thomas Bunge, Georg Cichorowski, Silke Kleihauer and Eva Wolf

elni Review 2023, pp. 6-11.

Based on 143 case studies from Germany from 2005 to 2018, the paper presents findings from an evaluation of the Strategic Environmental Assessment’s (SEA) effectiveness and efficiency in practice. The results show that SEA has a significant impact on planning. On the other hand, there are a number of deficits in its application. The study therefore develops design options for a more efficient and effective application. Most of the options can be realised through administrative-organisational measures; others require changes at the legal level. The paper is based on a research study commissioned by the German Environment Protection Agency.

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  1. European Commission (2019): Evaluation of the Directive 2001/42/EG on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment, SWD(2019) 414 final.
  2. Führ, M. (2023): Evaluation der Praxis der Strategischen Umweltprüfung in Deutschland und Entwicklung von Vorschlägen zur Optimierung des Vollzugs und des Rechtsrahmens, ed. by Umweltbundesamt, TEXTE 112/2023. Accessible here (last access 03.12.2023).