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Conference report: "Revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive: in search of consistency with climate, energy and circular economy policies?”

Alina Anapyanova and Jerzy Jendroska

elni Review 2021, pp. 35-40.

This paper is a report on the online webinar “Revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive: in search of consistency with climate, energy and circular economy policies?” that took place on 15th of June 2021 as part of an elni webinar series. The main speakers were Aneta Willems (European Commission), Christian Schaible (EEB) and Prof Jerzy Jendrośka (Professor at the Opole University, Poland). The reported discussions focused, inter alia, on whether the revision of the IED would concern a radical change or merely fine-tuning. Main findings include that the IED does not create enough incentives for innovations and the penalties provided are still very low. A new revision proposal is expected in the beginning of 2022.

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  1. ACCC/C/2014/122 European Union case.
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  11. UNECE Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context, 2003, Kyiv.