No. 01/11
- Gareth Callagy, ‘China REACH’: Assessing the implications for non-Chinese companies producing and exporting new substances to China
- Julian Schenten, Nanomaterials and European Novel Food law: The uncertain path to reasonable regulation
- Vito Buonsante, Access to documents: Interaction and gaps in the REACH and Aarhus Convention systems
- Gita Parihar, Waving or drowning? The legal impacts of the Cancun climate negotiations
- Jan Van de Venis, A human right to a clean and healthy environment in Europe. Dream or reality?
- Tania Van Laer, The European Court of Justice and the Justification of Trade Restrictions for the Benefit of Animal Welfare: A Change of Mind?
- Aboud S. Jumbe, Current Environmental Perspectives in Controlling, Handling and Management of Used and Waste Electricals and Electronics Equipment (WEEE) in Small Island States – A Review on Zanzibar

No. 02/11
- Ruth Tippe / Christoph Then, Patents on melon, broccoli and ham?
- Edson Paula de Souza, Biopatents in Brazil
- Susette Biber-Klemm / Michelangelo Temmerman, Rights to Animal Genetic Ressources- basic facts and debates
- Sandra Aline Nascimento da Nóbrega, Access to environmental information in Brazil: A comparative analysis of the Aarhus Convention with Brazilian Legislation
- Eva Julia Lohse, Unrestricted access to justice for environmental NGOs? The decision of the ECJ on the non-conformity of § 2(1) Umweltrechtsbehelfsgesetz with Directive 2003/35 on access to justice in environmental law and the Aarhus Convention (Case C-115/09)”
- Hendrik Schoukens, Temporary nature: Is European nature conservation law ready for it?
- Ralf Lottes, The Commission proposal for legislative review of the European Standardisation Policy - What’s in it for civil society?